Ger­man De­sign Award for wood-alu­mi­ni­um uniti­sed façade

Win­ner award at Ger­man De­sign Award 2023

In Fe­bru­ary 2022, the wood-alu­mi­ni­um uniti­sed façade for the high-ri­se buil­ding type was pre­sen­ted for the first time. The two-step moun­ted sys­tem has now re­cei­ved a "Win­ner" award at the Ger­man De­sign Award 2023 in the ca­te­go­ry "Ex­cel­lent Pro­duct De­sign". Gut­mann has every re­a­son to be happy: the wood-alu­mi­ni­um uniti­zed façade won over the jury at this year's Ger­man De­sign Awards. The in­ter­na­tio­nal­ly ac­clai­med pre­mi­um prize is awar­ded an­nu­al­ly by the Ger­man De­sign Coun­cil and iden­ti­fies si­gni­fi­cant de­sign trends. The "Win­ner" award of the Ger­man De­sign Award ho­nors out­stan­ding and ex­em­pla­ry im­ple­men­ted achie­ve­ments in the con­text of a spe­ci­fic ca­te­go­ry - the Gut­mann in­no­va­ti­on falls under "Ex­cel­lent Pro­duct De­sign".

Two-step moun­ting pro­cess

The wood-alu­mi­ni­um uniti­sed façade pre­sen­ted in 2022 com­bi­nes func­tio­na­li­ty with aes­t­he­tics and brings a new di­men­si­on to of­fice and high-ri­se con­struc­tion. While wood-alu­mi­ni­um win­dows are tra­di­tio­nal­ly used in re­si­den­ti­al con­struc­tion, alu­mi­ni­um do­mi­na­tes in of­fice buil­dings and high-ri­se buil­dings. An in­te­gra­ted sys­tem with wood and alu­mi­ni­um did not pre­vious­ly exist for this type of buil­ding. This gap is now clo­sed. Gut­mann uses the exis­ting alu­mi­ni­um uniti­sed façade sys­tem EF68 as a basis. The sys­tem pro­per­ties meet the hig­hest re­qui­re­ments of ar­chi­tects and buil­ders. In the fur­ther pro­cess, alu­mi­ni­um walls are re­pla­ced by a woo­den shell, es­pe­cial­ly on the in­si­de of the fa­ca­de. "The wood is not only an aes­t­he­tic choice, but also im­portant for the func­tion of the fa­ca­de sys­tem," ex­plai­ned Max Radt, Sales Ma­na­ger Ex­port and In­ter­na­tio­nal Pro­jects. And he con­ti­nues: "The high­light of this sys­tem, in ad­di­ti­on to the out­stan­ding pro­duct pro­per­ties, is the two-sta­ge as­sem­bly pro­cess.

First, the alu­mi­ni­um ele­ments and woo­den com­po­n­ents are pre­fa­bri­ca­ted by us or our part­ner. From here, the alu­mi­ni­um ele­ments are trans­por­ted to the con­struc­tion site, where they are as­sem­bled ele­ment by ele­ment. On the con­struc­tion site, towards the end of the con­struc­tion phase, when dry and clean con­di­ti­ons pre­vail, the woo­den com­po­n­ents are mar­ried to the alu­mi­ni­um ele­ments.” The pro­ject-spe­ci­fic fle­xi­bi­li­ty is also given with the new wood-alu­mi­ni­um ele­ment fa­ca­de. Façade buil­ders who have pre­vious­ly only pro­du­ced pure alu­mi­ni­um façades will be able to ma­nu­fac­tu­re and in­stall the new sys­tem wi­thout ha­ving to pro­du­ce their own wood. The Weis­sen­burg sys­tem house sup­p­lies the alu­mi­ni­um pro­files and the sys­tem com­po­n­ents as well as the woo­den shells on re­quest.

Fur­ther Pro­duct In­for­ma­ti­on

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