GUTMANN alu­mi­ni­um win­dows and doors se­ries GWD 080 & GWD 080i

Win­dows and doors not only func­tion as openings to the outs­ide world but pro­tect from wea­ther ele­ments, com­ple­ment the de­sign theme and pro­vi­de light and ven­ti­la­ti­on. The GUTMANN alu­mi­ni­um sys­tems GWD 080 and 080i pro­vi­de re­lia­ble ele­ments of con­struc­tion depth 80 mm and uti­li­ze a sustainable ma­te­ri­al com­bi­ned with solid tech­no­lo­gy.


Alu­mi­ni­um’s light weight, ro­bust and wea­ther re­sis­tant cha­rac­te­ris­tics com­bi­ned with its high­ly re­cy­clable pro­per­ty make for an ideal eco­fri­end­ly ma­te­ri­al. Ad­di­tio­nal­ly, Gut­mann is a mem­ber of A|U|F, an as­so­cia­ti­on of sys­tem hou­ses, pro­ces­sors, and sup­p­liers in the alu­mi­ni­um in­dus­try that pro­mo­te the use of re­cy­cled alu­mi­ni­um win­dows, doors and façades and en­su­re the qua­li­fied re­cy­cling of alu­mi­ni­um in Ger­ma­ny and Eu­ro­pe. The sys­tems GUTMANN GWD 080 and GWD 080i come in over 1000 co­lour va­ri­ants and ef­fects that will su­re­ly sa­tis­fy any theme.

Sys­tem De­scrip­ti­on

The GWD 080 and 080i come in clas­sic and con­cea­led sash de­sign re­spec­tive­ly, with a mo­du­lar sys­tem of con­struc­tion that pro­du­ces ther­mal­ly in­su­la­ted to high­ly ther­mal­ly in­su­la­ted level and also to pas­si­ve house level.

  • Ther­mal in­su­la­ti­on va­lues GWD 080: Stan­dard level Uf = 1,3 W/m2K; Pas­si­ve house level Uf ≤ 0.8 W/m2K
  • Ther­mal in­su­la­ti­on va­lues GWD 080i: Uf = 1,3 W/m2K
  • Sound in­su­la­ti­on up to 47dB
  • Bur­glar re­sis­tan­ce RC 1N, RC 2 and RC 3 in ac­cor­dance with DIN EN 1627

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